In Minnesota

Online Therapy

Flexible scheduling and convenient video sessions for couples anywhere in Minnesota

No matter where you live in Minnesota, therapy can come to you.

You're already juggling a full calendar; finding time for therapy can be tough. Whether you're in the Twin Cities, a small town up north, or anywhere else in Minnesota, online therapy gives you access to support when you need it.

Online counseling is a great option for those who:

  • Don’t feel like getting ready for therapy every week. Messy hair? Pajamas? It’s all good.

  • Don’t want to commute. This means no driving in Minnesota winters, amirite?

  • Want couples counseling for a long-distance relationship.

  • Live in remote areas or just feel more comfortable at home.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • We'll meet online through a HIPAA secure platform—kind of like Skype or Zoom. I'll send you a private link by email before each session. When it's time, just click the link to enter our virtual therapy room. The platform is super user-friendly, so no need to stress about the technology side of things.

    We can schedule your sessions weekly, every other week, or monthly—whatever works best for you and your goals. We've got this! I'm looking forward to connecting with you online for some productive sessions.

  • To make online therapy work, you just need a private space, a device with camera/mic access, and a solid Wi-Fi connection. A laptop with a webcam or a cell phone will do the trick. If you can stream Netflix without problems, your internet should be good to go for video sessions. Headphones can also help reduce background noise and make our talks feel more personal.

    Don't stress about any fancy equipment; as long as we can see and hear each other clearly, we're all set. The most important things are privacy on your end and showing up ready to have real, productive conversations.

  • It's understandable if you're wondering whether online therapy is as helpful as in-person. Rest assured, studies show it's just as effective (source).

    In my experience, many clients actually feel more comfortable opening up in online sessions versus traditional in-office therapy. Since we meet in a familiar space, it's often easier to relax and be yourself.

    If you're still on the fence, let's chat in a free consultation to see if this format could work for you.

    One heads up: online counseling isn't suitable for anyone currently in crisis. If you're having thoughts of harming yourself or others, please call or text the suicide hotline at 988, call 911, or go to the ER immediately.

    As for how long we'll work together, that depends on your needs as a couple. Some come to address a specific issue, while others stick with me for a while as life changes down the road. We'll figure out the best approach for you.

  • Contact me to schedule a free consultation with me. It’s important that you feel comfortable with your counselor, and I’ll help you decide if I’m the right fit for you.

Ready to get started with online virtual therapy in Minnesota?